Panasia’s Milestone

  • 2018

    Entered into Strategic Agreement of “R&D and Commercialisation of High Efficiency Heatsink” with China Academy of Space Technology

  • 2017

    Awarded the title of "National High Technology Company”

  • 2016

    Participated in German Aluminium Exhibition

  • 2015

    Acquired 142,000 square meter of land in Wu Cai Wan Hope Aluminium Products Park in Jimsar of Xinjiang to set up additional facilities producing aluminium rods and rolled products. Participated in Shanghai International Aluminium Exhibition in the same year

  • 2014

    Acquired 1,600,000 square meters of land in Nanyang of Henan for the development of a comprehensive production base of aluminium alloy products

  • 2013

    Listed on the main board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange

  • 2011

    Awarded the title of “2011 Enterprise with intellectual-property advantage in Guangdong” by the Guangdong Intellectual Property Office 2009 Became a “China Aerospace Program Partner”and“China Aerospace Program Sponsor”

  • 2009

    Became a “China Aerospace Program Partner”and“China Aerospace Program Sponsor”

  • 2008

    Introduced OPLV branded mid to high-end integrated aluminium door and window systems

  • 2005

    Established OPAL (Macao Commercial Offshore) Limited (OPAL Macao)

  • 2004

    Acquired approximately 80,000 square meters of land to increase production capacity

  • 2003

    PanAsia Aluminium (China) restructured as a foreign owned enterprise

  • 2000

    Acquired PanAsia Trading Limited, incorporated PanAsia Aluminium (Hong Kong) Limited, and started business relations with Foxconn

  • 1990

    Formally founded